
** If you have any questions on Sunday, feel free to ask the sound team lead, Ben Shelly (215-378-1612). John Creasy does most of the audio set-up before 9:30am. For instructions on a week that Pastor John is away, please feel free to contact him ahead of time (412-979-7764). **

THE JOB: Help musicians set up the sound system and wireless microphones. Adjust levels of main speakers and monitors. Adjust volume levels, EQ and reverb effects as needed throughout the service. 

WHEN: Please arrive by 9:30. Setup takes just a few minutes, but you will need to be “on call” during service to adjust sound if a problem arises.

HOW: Please complete the following steps:

  • SET UP MICROPHONES: Depending on the number of musicians, set up appropriate number of vocal microphones and instrument direct boxes. Musicians usually do this on their own. However, if there are guest musicians, the audio volunteer will need to arrive at 9:00am. Set up should be completed by 9:30am.

  • CONNECT MICROPHONES: Run XLR cables from the microphones and DI boxes into the six wall plugs at the front of the stage. 

  • SET UP MONITORS: The monitors allow the musicians to hear themselves when they play. Place the powered monitor speaker so that it faces the musicians, and plug it into the power outlet. If two monitors are desired, link them with an XLR mic cable. Plug monitor 1 into the long XLR cable with ¼” TRS end that runs to the sound board along the pews. This cord should be plugged into the “aux 1 send” output on the top of the sound board and “mic line A in” on the monitor. Each channel of the board is then adjusted using Aux 1 volume adjustment knobs. Be sure the main Aux 1 slider is up to about 50%.

  • SET UP WIRELESS MIC: Plug the wireless microphone receiver into one of the XLR inputs of the board, giving this microphone its own channel. Use the Audio Technica wireless microphone, be sure it has fresh batteries before worship. There are four wireless microphone receivers, we are currently only using the one on the bottom left in the receiver box.

  • SET SOUND LEVELS: Once you have finished setting things up, work with musicians to make sure the sound levels are even. (Musicians can help you with this task)

  • MONITOR SOUND: Please sit at the sound board during service so that you can adjust the levels if they are too quiet or too loud.